Screenwriting Lessons And Dialogue Tips – Frank Dietz [FULL INTERVIEW]

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: When did you realize you had artistic talent?

Frank Dietz, Screenwriter/Artist: Oh boy! I think the first drawing that I can remember doing was in kindergarten and I think that the teacher just said draw something that you like and even back then I was obsessed with alligators (as I’m still today obsessed with alligators) but I can remember drawing an alligator with green crayons whatever and I don’t remember what it looked like exactly but I do remember that people made a fuss about it like Hey! Wow, that’s a really good drawing and I didn’t really think that much of it until it kept happening people kept I’d win a prize for my drawing like in second grade or whatever and and then people started to say Oh, you know Frankie’s going to be an artist when he grows up…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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