All The Tools You Need To Be A Screenwriter – Glenn Gers [FULL INTERVIEW]

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: When did you know you were going to be a writer?

Glenn Gers, Screenwriter: I was really little, I was like nine or ten years old. At first I wanted to be a fictional character. I distinctly remember wanting to be James Bond or The Hardy Boys or Sherlock Holmes. It was mostly detectives and spies and at some point around 10 or 11-years-old it occurred to me that there were people who wrote those people that I wanted to be and that life I wanted to live and I sort of shifted an inch over, but I’ve never really stopped wanting to be fictional. That’s how writing is for me, it’s just an attempt to be fictional at all times. 

Film Courage: How did you discover that Oh wait, there are authors here? 

Glenn: There was a magazine called Show Magazine in the 1960’s and there was an interview with Ian Fleming who wrote James Bond. He wrote an article about how he wrote James Bond and it blew my mind because there was this person saying how you could create this world with these people in it and I was like That’s what I want to be! and then Harriet The Spy was a huge influence on me. She wanted to be a writer and she explored the world around her and I was like That’s the job I want, that’s the life! 

Film Courage: Did your parents try to talk you out of it or were they encouraging?

Glenn: No, my parents were very supportive. I was very lucky in that way they were…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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