Beginner’s Guide To Writing A Story – Tony DuShane

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Tony DuShane, Writer/Podcaster/Teacher: What would be the greatest job in the world that you could ever have and think of anything, anything at all. What would you like to do for eight hours a day?

Film Courage: How do you define story and how do you teach it to students and clients? 

Tony: We tell stories all the time. Even as I’m talking to you I’m telling stories, I’m bringing characters in. We are made to tell stories. We are made to tell stories about what our aunt did that Oh my goodness, she’s crazy. She’s out of her mind. What she did…and so we’re story building constantly, even if we don’t know it. That’s when we go Okay, so how do we craft it? That’s when I talk about character and plot. Let’s talk about a character. What does this character do? Let’s talk about plot. I do a free writing workshop for the library once a month. It’s one of my favorite things to do because I get nobody I know in there. It’s just like all of a sudden I have all these eyeballs looking at me going Teach us how to write a story! and sometimes they have a lot of experience and sometimes it’s the first time they’ve ever even thought of being a writer. Right away I just talk about character and plot and what drives me nuts there’s monumental catalog of books out there you know 500 pages how to create a plot into screenplay…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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