The Writing Process Begins With A Deadline – Marc Scott Zicree

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Marc Scott Zicree, Screenwriter/Author: How committed am I to what I say I want and because at the end of the day, if you don’t believe it no one else will?

Film Courage: What’s your writing process?

Marc: I work five days a week minimally (sometimes six, sometimes seven) but I prefer not to. I’m always thinking about a story or there’s always something going on in my head. I don’t have regular writing hours but at various times I have. Now because I’m writing and producing and directing and doing books, my day is split up into smaller chunks. I’m often doing many different tasks in a given day because I have a full-time editor, full-time line producer, VFX team (all of that) so when I sit down to write, I try to write for several hours minimally. I can also write on the fly if I need to. I can write almost anywhere. I can write in a moving car. I’ve written in jeeps traveling through the jungle in Thailand when I did a pilot for NBC that was shot there. I’m often working on several scripts simultaneously. I’m always reading several books at the same time and then I’ll come up with ideas and I’ll jot them down. I’ll save those and sometimes I’ll write them or I won’t. One of the ideas…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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