5 Harsh Truths For Anyone Who Wants To Be A Screenwriter – Guido Segal

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Guido Segal, Screenwriter, Journalist, Film Critic, Instructor: I’d say that the worst thing about being a writer or a creator is the lack of stability.

Film Courage: If we were going to take the same new screenwriter and they asked How do I know I have a yes person who might be reading my script, so it’s a person who doesn’t want to hurt my feelings or maybe there’s an agenda they want to keep the friendship for whatever reason. How do you know…how do you decipher someone who’s just giving you fluff?

Guido: You mean professionally, it’s something that’s leading nowhere?

Film Courage: Feedback on a script, it could be a friend, it could be a manager, somebody that just they just want to tell you yes. They want to keep you happy but it’s actually not constructive.

Guido: What I would say is what do you want from feedback? Of course our egos need a little attention so when someone says I loved your script, it’s so good there’s a second where you appreciate it because you need validation but then there’s nothing you can do with that and if you’re honest with yourself you don’t really believe that your script is perfect. I’m not saying that you should work on it endlessly because there comes a time when you have to stop and you have to move on and there’s a fine line between rewrites and then just over rewriting it of course unless you’re getting paid and then you have no choice. What I would say is you try people out. First of all…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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