What Happened To The American Movie? – Chris Gore

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Chris Gore, Founder/Owner of FilmThreat/Author/Filmmaker: I think that the American identity is so fractured because of current day politics that there’s almost no such thing as a movie that everybody can get behind. I think the most recent example of one was…

Film Courage: Why do you love movies so much?

Chris: I feel like I love movies because it’s like a waking dream, right? It’s a dream and an experience where you can enter the mind of a character and experience the world through their eyes and it’s actually safe whether that character gets horribly injured, has terrible things happen to them or loses loved ones, friends, family members, you’re able to experience those things, the kinds of things that everybody experiences in life in a way that’s safe and in a way that imparts lessons whether you’re aware of it at the time or not. There’s something in our lizard brain that responds to storytelling because I think it’s a way for us to exorcise our own demons or to deal with loss and pain from our past and that’s why I think storytelling and in particular movies and seeing a movie in a theater when it’s dark and you’re focused and you’re not on your phone, you’re not distracted. Although I will say there is an entire category of movies that I would say this would be a good movie to watch while you’re folding laundry and I have watched those movies and I have folded laundry while I’ve watched them. But a film I know I’m really going to care about, I’m going to see in a theater, in the dark, experience the world through that character’s eyes and come out the other end better for it and it’s so universal that feeling. That’s why wherever you go in the world people love to have us have a story unfold on the big screen. I think there’s something primal about that that goes back to telling stories around the campfire or just a fire. There’s something about it that’s just embedded in our heads and that’s why the love and passion for film is so universal…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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