Biggest Misconceptions Directors Have About Actors – Judith Weston

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Judith Weston, Coach, Teacher and Author: I like to encourage directors to be vulnerable around actors and to be able to say to them Look, something is off here and I don’t know what it is?

Film Courage: What are the biggest misconceptions people have about actors? That they are too sensitive, that their antenna is always up, they are constantly watching themselves in the mirror almost as a character walking into a scene?

Judith: I think for directors that I meet, I taught workshops for directors for many years and now I sometimes do some consulting for directors preparing to make a project, and I think the biggest misconception is that they are fragile, that you can’t dare talk to them because they’ll go into a…they will start crying or they will go into a rage or get upset if you say anything about their work and I suppose where this comes from is that actors do tend to be more expressive then…actors tend to call them civilians (people who are not actors tend to be in that world of actors as civilians). So actors are more expressive and they might cry if you…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here). 

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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