What New Authors Should Expect From A Publisher – Anna David

Film Courage: Of the books that you’ve written, how many had traditional publishers and how many were self-published?

Anna David, Publisher, Author, Speaker, Podcast Host, and Television Personality: Six were traditionally published and then I’ve done between two and five. I never know what to count as a book when I can put out a journal two weeks ago, does that count? But I did six traditionally published and the rest I published myself.

Film Courage: Is it worth it to self-publish?

Anna: A thousand percent it is! You need experts, you need help. Everybody…Malcolm Gladwell has an editor. You need an editor, you need a book designer, you need help doing the launch or maybe you’re just really good at research and you can figure out. I have met people who have done exquisite launches without having any experience but most people are going to need help.

Film Courage: How realistic is it for most writers to land a traditional publishing deal?

Anna: It’s…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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