10 Things I’ve Learned About Selling Short Stories – Jonathan Blum

In this Film Courage video interview, when asked if writers are more likely to sell novels or short stories Author and instructor Jonathan Blum explains that in the U.S., novels tend to sell more due to preferences, but the proportion varies internationally. While novels are more prevalent, it’s challenging to gauge success based on the number of people attempting each form. Blum emphasizes that writing and publishing short stories can be tough due to lower demand, recounting his personal experience of taking over 20 years to publish a collection. He discusses the process of submitting short stories to literary magazines, the varying word lengths accepted, and the value of contests for emerging writers. Blum clarifies that authors generally retain rights to their stories even after publishing in a literary magazine, alleviating the need to register them with the U.S. copyright office…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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