Forget Comparing Yourself To Any Master – Jocelyn Jones

Film Courage: Jocelyn would you mind reading a poem from your new book? I know you have many different chapters and sections in it but this one is to become a master.

Jocelyn Jones, Acting Teacher/Author: Becoming a master, yes. I’m going to read you a little bit before so it sets up the poem. Actors are always asking me How do I become a master? What is a master? This is a bit of an answer to that, “Forget comparing yourself to any master. Recognize that what you admire in that person is simply a reflection of those qualities already existent in you. Keep your eye on that ball, therein lies the synchronicity. What you already know you summoned into your life for you to know again more profoundly. Be grateful for that synchronicity. Here’s what I tell my students about becoming a master:  start, keep going. You think you’re starting to get the hang of it, keep going. You admire someone else’s work and go into doubt…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here). 

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