You Don’t Have To Suffer To Be An Artist But You Should Understand This – Christopher Vogler

Film Courage: What is a shaman and why do you say a shaman is one of the most original of all artists?

Author Christopher Vogler: Shaman is a word that has grown way beyond its origins. It was originally used by so-called native people in Siberia regions and now it’s been expanded to mean any kind of wise old healer of the tribe, anybody who takes charge of magical operations within the tribe, who blesses things, sometimes they curse things or people but they are the holders of the esoteric knowledge, the knowledge of the unknown or the other spirit worlds and they are known for traveling to these other worlds by various means. They have access to them in a way that ordinary people don’t and usually they have arrived at this condition through some catastrophic event in their lives. It’s very common that people will discover that they are meant for this shaman creative role because of some catastrophe in their life. Many of the old ones in the tribes used to write about or tell about being attacked by…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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