How To Get Unstuck – Carole Kirschner

Film Courage: We all feel stuck at times? What do we do if we’re not creative, we’re not on all cylinders?

Carole Kirschner, Entertainment Career Coach, Speaker & Author: There’s a couple of different ways to get unstuck. I actually teach an online course about getting unstuck and we talk about if you’re stuck, because you have writer’s block or procrastination, there’s actual tips and tools that you can use to get past it. One of them is to give yourself very short periods of time to work. 10 minutes, set a timer, you can either do free writing, you could say I like that butterfly but when the timer goes off, get up and go someplace else. Then the next day come back for 10 minutes or 30 minutes. The other is really to be clear about what your true goals are and then make sure everything you’re choosing in your life (how you’re spending your time) is moving you toward that goal. It’s super important. It’s looking at what’s getting in the way of you achieving your goals and seeing what you can change. How can you adjust your life so that you’re moving toward your goal more efficiently?

Film Courage: There’s debate, is writer’s block real?

Carole: It’s fear, it’s fear of failure, it’s fear of success, it’s fear of imposter syndrome. I’ve had too many clients that…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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