Don’t Use Your Phone To Make Movies – Illya Friedman

Film Courage: For years we’ve heard professionals say nothing is stopping you, you can use your phone and shoot a movie? What are your thoughts on shooting a movie with your phone?  

Illya Friedman, Founder of Hot Rod Cameras, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Podcaster: I think that’s a little disingenuous. There’s a lot of things stopping you from making a movie and it has nothing to do with the phone, it has nothing to do with the technology that’s involved. Sure, you can use a phone and you can make a feature film. You can make a short film, you can make a commercial. I don’t think that’s really the point. I think the point for filmmakers out there is to have a point of view and some intention and want to make an emotional attachment or emotional connection with the audience. There’s so many people out there taking their phone and dragging it through a puddle and saying I’m a filmmaker. I think there’s some problems with the terminology of the vernacular of being a filmmaker because it’s almost meaningless these days. Anyone who does anything with a camera can be a filmmaker and I suppose that’s a good and maybe a bad thing. But I think you need to use a few more words to describe what it is that you’re doing. If we’re talking about films, if we’re talking about narrative or documentary and you want to have that emotional connection with an audience, it’s never been the technology. Although in the past I think it really was. In the past I think if you go back to the era of film, it was a massive burden but we’ve surpassed that burden right now with adequate technology…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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