Fastest Sale In Netflix History – Laverne McKinnon

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Laverne McKinnon is a Career Coach, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, Professor and Producer: It was at the time the fastest yes in Netflix history. We had been told once you pitch, it’ll take about three or four weeks to hear whether or not they say yes because they want to run it through their internal processes and their algorithm. 24 hours later, we got a yes.

Film Courage: Can you talk about packaging a screenplay and provide some examples on the process?

Laverne: I found that it’s critical to have projects that are are fully packaged, not from the sense that agencies are taking a commission but package in terms of:

Who’s the director?

Who’s the actor?

Here’s a screenplay or here’s a pitch…(Watch the video interview on YouTube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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