I’ve Written 12 Books: Here Are Tips That Can Help Every Writer – Andrew Warren [FULL INTERVIEW]

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]

Film Courage: When did you move to Los Angeles?

Andrew: I moved to Los Angeles in 1996 and I had shot a low-budget independent film with some friends of mine in New Jersey. They actually already lived in Los Angeles. They were people I’d gone to film school with so one of them came back to New Jersey, we shot the movie and then we came to Los Angeles to edit it because another friend of mine was working in a post house and he could get us on the Avids after hours at night and it was only supposed to be for 6 months was the plan.

I came here with maybe three grand and I crashed on sofas and it ended up taking years. I had to get a job and the years went by. By the time we finished the movie I had a whole life out here at that point. I said I guess I live in Los Angeles now. That was how I ended up here.

Film Courage: What was your reality like after a couple of years?

Andrew: That’s a tough one. I would say it was probably pretty normal, pretty…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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