Biggest Problems With Virtual Production – Keith Sutliff

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Film Courage: Is CGI, green screen and virtual production the death of cinema?

Film Director/Producer/Writer/Owner of Sutliff Studios – Virtual Productions, Keith Sutliff: I don’t think it’s the death of cinema. I think it’s a huge component of the future cinema. They both have their pros and cons. I always remember seeing the old Jurassic Park movie (the first one was made in 1993-94). Whatever it was they used for a lot of the dinosaurs, I guess real animatronic dinosaurs. 

Now everything’s CGI. As a filmmaker, it looked better I think and more cool and stuff on screen with the robot animatronic, versus now everything is CGI but I think CGI (all this stuff) it’s here to stay. It’s going to be the future. All that stuff we see now is going to get more and more sophisticated. It’s just the beginning

Film Courage: What are some of the problems with virtual production? 

Kieth: Some of the problems, this is what I advise clients before they come in is if they use Unreal Engine as our 3D asset that we’re displaying on the wall, obviously if it’s not one of our backgrounds we have in our environment, that it’s made well in advance so that we can bring the environment in. We test it out on the wall to make sure there’s no glitches. If you’re changing a lot of backgrounds with different Unreal Engine files, depending on the file size, if it’s a big environment like a big city landscape or whatever, there’s more detail, it’s going to take longer to load. We have to load those files days in advance to make sure they upload, there’s no glitches and there’s still even times, it’s a computer gaming software program. It’s not perfect. There’s been times I’ve been operating…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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