Pro Editor Reveals The Mistakes That New Directors Make – Lucas Harger

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: How can you tell a director who does not know how to direct?

Lucas Harger, Film and Commercial Editor, Supervising Editor, and Partner at Bruton Stroube Outpost: I have a lot of sympathy for directors learning how to direct in post because I think directors: 

-Learn how to direct on set (first)

-Learn how to direct in pre-production (second)

-Learn how to direct in post-production (third)

It takes some reps for a director to understand how to direct in post-production. 

If they’ve done their work and they are good directors on set and on pre-production, there’s some sympathy I guess you could say with directing and post-production. As long as they come in with that posture of What have you seen work in workflows? What have you seen work in this process and in these scenarios? 

As editors, we see a lot more directors in a lot more processes. That’s the kind of posture I’m looking for but you usually can tell a director is new (or new to learning to direct) in post when they immediately go to the…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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