Not Tough Enough To Make It In The Entertainment Business – Laverne McKinnon

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Film Courage: What does a perfectionist say to themselves when they wake up in the morning?

Laverne McKinnon is a Career Coach, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, Professor and Producer: Oh my goodness, let’s see…this is so crazy. I say What time is it? I frequently wake up before my alarm clock. I’ll check the time and it’s like Okay, do I actually get up or do I try to go back to sleep again? As a perfectionist, time is so precious to me because it just means that I have more time to endeavor to do something perfectly, to fine-tune something or course correct. 

Film Courage: Do you have any kind of ritual for checking the time? 

Laverne: No, just my phone on my bedside. I wake up really early but I always set my clock just in case because if I oversleep, the level of panic is relationally not appropriate. This is not that big of a deal but it feels like a really big deal because now I’ve wasted time. 

Film Courage: I just bought a very cheap watch for that very thing. I wanted something that would…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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