Every Movie Has 4 Main Stories – Paul Chitlik

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: You say every movie has four main stories?

Paul Chitlik, Author/Writer: I would say so. First of all there’s what we call the plot. That is your central character going after a goal. 

Then there’s the story of your central character dealing with whatever issues, personal issues, their flaws, how to overcome their greed or their selfishness or whatever it is. Their fears, whatever it is that’s inside of themselves that’s preventing them from living the best life that they could. That’s how many thought we got there already. That’s two. 

The third one is the central emotional relationship story. There always has to be a relationship that your central character has to either create or mend. That could be between friends, it could be a father and a daughter, it could be a mother and her father, it could be a mother and her daughter, it could be cousins, it could be just classmates, it could be just new people that you meet. Whatever it is, there’s a relationship that has to be created or mended. Let’s say there were two brothers that had a fight early on. In their world now for some reason they’re going to have to mend that relationship in order to reach the goal, whatever the goal is. That’s three stories. 

The fourth story is the story of the antagonist. We can’t eliminate the antagonist from this picture. They can’t…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interfere on Youtube here

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