No BS Advice To Anyone Who Wants To Be A Screenwriter – Jim Agnew

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: What no BS screenwriting advice can you give to young screenwriters or even older who’ve never sold something and think that they can make a living at this? 

Jim Agnew, Screenwriter/Producer:  Well, you’ve got to be realistic. You have to look at the steps involved and what is your endgame? Do you want to get a movie made? Is it a small movie? What kind of movie are you writing? A kind of studio-type script? Are you writing a small intimate thing that can be made for half a million dollars? So you have to kind of set the parameters of what you want to do and kind of take it from there because if you’re a young screenwriter and you want to do this for a living, you need to write a couple samples and write some scripts. You need to be around the film business. TV has given a lot of opportunities to being on a writing staff. There’s so many TV shows now too. That’s a great way to becoming writers. You can become a writer’s assistant get to know the working writers and you’ll actually get paid taking notes…(Watch the video interview on YouTube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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