Lack Of Confidence To Be A Writer – Andrew Warren

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Film Courage: You talked previously about lack of confidence. How much would you mentally beat yourself up over things? 

Andrew Warren, Author: When writing that first book I don’t think I beat myself up about it too much because I didn’t really have a plan of what I was going to do with it, I just wanted to do it. In that sense I think it was easier because it was more about getting it done. Writing a novel at that time to me seemed like such an insurmountable challenge. It really seemed like climbing a mountain or something crazy. Even if i could just do it I would have been happy. That was all I was thinking about at that time. I’d say the confidencemore comes from in screenplays and TV writing, things where you really need to put yourself out there. I worked that…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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