What I Wish I Learned In Film School – Evan Kidd

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Film Courage: What did you learn in film school that you didn’t already know? 

Evan Kidd, Filmmaker/Podcaster: I think film school certainly taught me a lot of the important basics of cinematography, of lighting, of making sure that microphones work in the best way. But I do think it also taught me how to be resourceful because I think certainly something that happened was our film school didn’t have a giant budget, didn’t have a giant production closet with all the gear we needed and everything like that. A lot of times it would just be like Here’s the assignment, make sure you find a way to make it happen and that’s just the way it went and I think a lot of people might see that as a drawback but to me having those creative restrictions kind of opened up the freedom a little bit and it allowed me to sort of understand the way that I would later be making a lot of films in the quote unquote real world. I liked that I didn’t ever get comfortable in the the film school bubble because I know a lot of people that get in the film school bubble and then when it pops after graduation they’re like…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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