How Writers Write – Find The Right Process For Your Success

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

The first important thing about your process is recognizing that it’s yours, that there is not a right or wrong way. Some people write at night, some people write in the day, some people write in short verse, some people write in long extended verse. There’s no particular, better or worse process. The important thing about a process is it’s something that you can do relatively easily for whatever reason it works for you. That means you have to spend time paying attention to yourself, trying different things and seeing which ones work and which ones don’t work and being really honest about that.

I will say one thing that I think could be very interesting to people that are writers is what I do is I outline a script very meticulously. My outlines are about 25-pages-to-30-pages long. Then when I go to write the actual first draft. I will not reread one word of what I’ve written until I’ve written the whole script.

For my first pass on a screenplay I start from the beginning and then I just go. I go all the way through until I’m done without having read one word of it and it takes about 3 weeks. In three weeks, I’ve written a whole draft and it’s a lot of fun because there is no judgment whatsoever. I’m just writing straight through. Then I go through and very meticulously work through the scenes and that takes 2-to-3 weeks. In weeks, I have a draft but it’s really two drafts because I’ve done one straight through…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

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