If You Don’t Want To Write It, Who Wants To Read It? – Lux Raven

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

Film Courage: How did you discover that you were a writer? 

Lux Raven, Watty-winning Romance Author / Wattpad Creator: It wasn’t so much that I thought of myself as a writer, I was just writing all the time. I wrote a lot as a kid. I was always writing poetry. I was writing stories. I was just making stuff. People were telling me I was a writer. It was like Oh, you’re a writer, you write things. Okay, I guess I am. I guess I relate. That makes sense.

I think it was a gradual process where I was just doing the thing. I was making stuff that I found interesting and somewhere along the line I was a writer. It just already happened. 

Film Courage: Have you always written stories for fun? 

Lux: For a while I did. When I was younger I was just all about making things. In my teen years I wrote a lot, fanfiction and whatever came to my mind. I had stuff to say. 

I studied journalism in college. I started doing more professional writing. I thought I’m not any good at fiction. I’m going to do this other stuff. I’m going to be an editorial writer and go that route. It didn’t make me happy. I wasn’t really in love with the job and eventually I quit. I was like Okay, that’s not what I’m going to do. I’m not going to do writing professionally. I’m going to do something else. 

Then somewhere along the line (I think it was a little before 2020 in the pandemic) I came across Wattpad the website. Everyone was doing that free form writing like I did when I was younger that I really enjoyed. I got back into it and…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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