Being An Artist Isn’t What You Think It Is – P.M. Lipscomb

[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

P.M. Lipscomb, Filmmaker: The other day a friend of mine was talking about how there’s a tiny percentage of people who go after their dreams and sustain that goal and I really think there’s a moment where I was terrified to be broke.

Film Courage: I know someone who said the period between not having a job and not knowing what you were going to do next was one of the best feelings, aside from the scariness, the uncertainty. But that there was this freedom in it of not knowing where they were going.

It reminds me that you said you didn’t want to really know, you just want to be led. I just thought that was great.

P.M.: I do have a thought on that and that is I’m working on the fourth feature film now. It will be four features and 38 short films. I do feel that in between projects I fall into a depression. I feel like for me it’s not about putting the movie out. What I’m doing it for it’s really to be immersed in the creative process. I feel so lost when I’m outside of actually making a project. I feel like there is a part of me on a personal level where as soon as I’m getting to that tail end of being done with something, I need to be immersed in something else. The festival stuff is great and going out and talking to people about the film and showing the film is what it’s about. It’s exciting to hear people’s response to it but there’s something so much more fulfilling to my heart and my soul. If I’m truly really in the middle of creating something…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).

Watch the video interview on Youtube here

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